
Letter: Too many flaws with the changes


I’ve waited a few times in receiving The Lima News, in its new format, to voice my opinion. I’ve waited long enough.

Letter: Cooper Davis Act a good first step


My son, Jordan Garmatter, died April 6, 2019, from illicit fentanyl poisoning. Jordan was a wonderful son and young man, and he didn’t want to die. My heart is forever broken and my life has forever changed, as the grief of losing a child is so very overwhelming. The pain never goes away.

Letter: Amnesty scheme coming back to hurt the country


Well, it has happened. The scheme that the Democrats have been pushing since Sen. Kennedy made the deal for amnesty back in the 1980s is about to come to fruition.

Letter: Make it clear by making it concise


After trying to read and understand the letters to the editor over the years — like most of those in the May 27 edition, for example — I have some important advice: If you want people to read, let alone understand, your letter, keep it short!

Letter: Disappointed by officials in Auglaize County case


I recently read the book “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine” by Brice Brenneman. I was appalled by the way Doug Wine was treated by the Auglaize County judicial system.

Letter: Tradition-killing morons won’t force a white flag


You must be kidding me! I came home from Washington, D.C., on Friday, May 11 and started to read all of my papers, and I got slapped in the face by progressive, tradition-killing morons and idiots, the people I hate the most.

Letter: Happy to read about ‘Dan’s Candyland’


I was pleased to read the recent Lima News Reminisce article about “Memories of Dan’s Candyland.” That account takes me back to my teens, when a quarter would be enough to pay your admission to the Majestic Theater or buy you a hamburger and a giant malt at Dan’s Candyland.

Letter: Demand that Congress agrees to pay its bills


Where is fiscal accountability in Congress? As a former two-term township trustee, I know how government works. An annual budget is approved. When the invoices (bills) come due, you must pay them.

Letter: Glad to learn about Brother’s Day in paper


Thank you Lima News, in the last lonely newspaper in my empty mailbox, we find out after 80-plus years that there is a “Brother’s Day!” I’m sure we wouldn’t have found out this very important day existed had it not been for the printed edition of The Lima News on Wednesday, May 24.

Letter: Huffman’s fuzzy math on display


Poor Senator Matt Huffman. How embarrassing it must be for him. A graduate of a private school, he is a huge proponent of using tax dollars to fund private school education. He touts the superior education of students learning the basics: reading, writing and arithmetic compared to public schools. It is a shame as an alumni he is a poor example of at least one of those basics: math.