Real Life Mama: To the best of our knowledge

I do not talk about politics. I don’t want to talk about politics. I refuse to talk about politics.

So … let’s talk about politics.

What. Is. Going. On?

Does anyone else feel like we are in a dream? That’s what 2020 is, right? A dream. No, a nightmare. I mean, I can’t figure it out over the bickering of two grown men cutting each other off.

You should have stopped this, your son is that, you didn’t pay this, you passed that. THIS is what we the people get to pick from?

Look, I will be the first to admit that I am not as in tune with all of the political issues that I should be. I know that I should be diving into different topics deeper — you know, doing my homework. But, man, it is just tiresome.

Not only is it about impossible to know what the real truth is on anyone running for office but the more I see and read, the more I can’t stand either side. At this stage in my life, no matter how important it is that I know who I am voting for and what they stand for, I do not have the time to uncover truths versus lies and facts versus fiction. Can I just get someone who is wholesome and honest?

And sadly, I am not just talking about the candidates themselves. I am also referring to the die-hard followers. You know, the ones we have all “snoozed” on social media because well, quite frankly, they are just a tad bit annoying.

But, I guess, I can’t really blame them for their bitter beliefs and inability to hear other’s opinions. I mean, after the show our presidential candidates put on this week, their followers clearly get it honestly.

With this being the first presidential election in my kid’s life where one can read, I get to constantly be reminded how many Trump or Biden signs they counted that day.

“OK, Mom, who are you picking?”

“I choose … two new candidates.”

“No, Mom, you have to pick — one or the other.”

In my 4-year-old pouty voice in my head, “but I don’t want to!”

And, I hear so many others say the same thing. Yet, here we are. How did we get here? How do we fix it? (Remember, I am a fixer.)

However, I literally don’t even have the energy for it. I mean, who does? Yes, I know that it should probably be more of a priority in my books. My kids’ futures depend on it.

But, their futures also depends on me to make sure they are up in time for school, have been fed, have clothes to wear, brush their teeth, provide love and encouragement, do their homework, go to work to provide all the things and read them a bedtime story.

Much like a whole lot of Americans, we just don’t have the time to find the perfect candidate. And, a big part, we don’t have the money to spend to promote them anyway.

So, we sit back and vote to the best of our knowledge — because voting is an important right that was fought for us, and we do not take that for granted. But we do wonder why we are voting for the lesser of two evils and not for the better of two candidates.

And then we pray.

We pray for our country and where we currently are. We pray for the future of our people and where we will go. We pray that while we are holding everything down in our small little lives that these people in office will make the right decisions for our much broader scope that trickles down to us.

Because it is a very uneasy and unsettling feeling where we are right now — especially this crazy year. We don’t know what the future looks like. Heck, currently, day by day is the only way many of us are getting by.

But I can tell you this, there is only one man who has ever influenced and saved the world once before and only one man who ever will again.

So, while I will continue to attempt to educate myself enough to fill in the best circle there is in front of me in just a few short weeks — because I will vote, and I hope you do too — I will also try my best to not lose sleep over the next step that this country takes.

Because, even with the lack of faith that I have in who steps foot into the White House next, it doesn’t change the one truth that I know and rely on to get me through: regardless who is President, Jesus is King.

Politics. Out.

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Election Day can’t come quick enough. Day can’t come quick enough.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.