Real Life Mama: Pop quiz

Well, we got the email. Even though I knew it was coming, it was still weird to receive. We have a few weeks to think on it, then we have to commit to either sending our kids to school or having them do school online. The word “commit” seems so final. I mean we are a good month away. Do you know how much can change in a month? We may not even have an option by then!

Regardless, Paul and I had already made our decision on what we would do if it came to this. Since this has pretty much been on my mind since the end of last school year, there wasn’t much thought put into our final decision.

I am not going to share our decision just yet, because honestly, I want you all to do what you feel is right for your situation and not at all be influenced by someone who has absolutely no medical background and is really just winging this whole mom thing anyway.

However, I did decide to interview my kiddos and see what their thoughts were about COVID-19 and going back to school. While I hate that my babies know so much about what is going on, I appreciated their raw honesty, fears, hope and innocence. I hope you do as well.

What is COVID-19 to you?

Maylie: It is a really bad, like, pandemic that’s keeping us at our home.

Reagan: A sickness that everyone has to stay home and wear masks if they are going out.

What has been the worst part of COVID-19 to you?

Maylie: I had to be separated from my family, like my aunts and GG and Papa.

Reagan: Trying to wear a mask and trying to be safe and taking care of Emma (our babysitter’s mother). I like her but it’s the worst because we can’t be close to her.

What has been the best part of COVID-19?

Maylie: That I have Messenger Kids and can talk to all my family members now. (Side note, this has been a lifesaver and completely controlled by us, and no random people can just add her and talk to her.)

Reagan: When we started to get to play with our friends and cousins.

How do you feel about going back to school?

Maylie: Nervous because I don’t want to catch the coronavirus.

Reagan: I am really excited about school but I am really afraid because I have never been in Kindergarten before and this is my first time.

How do you feel about wearing a mask at school?

Maylie: I feel safe.

Reagan: I feel good because I can breathe because I have a face shield and it makes me feel better because I can’t breathe in masks and its OK because I only breathe out of my mouth.

Has anything else good come out of coronavirus?

Maylie: Other years this doesn’t happen.

Reagan: The good thing about being healthy is that you eat healthy food and you take care of people like our GG and Papa. We pray for them and visit them and take pictures.

Would you rather go to school or go online? Why?

Maylie: Online because so I don’t catch the pandemic and I won’t get sick.

Reagan: Go to school for my first time! Because I just want to see how it feels but I will see how it is with a face shield and yeah.

What are you most excited for this school year?

Maylie: I am most excited to do video calls with my class.

Reagan: Being happy about going to school and … and … I can swim now.

What do you hope changes in the next year?

Maylie: That COVID-19 will be gone and that no one dies in our family and no one else, even though I don’t know them.

Reagan: I hope that COVID goes away.

What is your favorite COVID memory?

Maylie: Spending more time with my mom.

Reagan: That I get to play with my friends now.

Anything else you want to tell me about COVID-19?

Maylie: You have great articles, Mom!

Parents, I know that these next couple of weeks may be hard making decisions that affect our children in ways we don’t even know. And quite honestly, the decision may be made for us if our numbers get worse. Just know that I am praying for peace for each and every one of you on this journey. Trust God and your mommy gut and I know that you will make the best decision for your family.

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Decisions, decisions., decisions.

By Sarah Shrader

Guest columnist

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mother. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Paul, and their daughters, her writing inspirations, Maylie and Reagan.