Real Life Mama: Seek God and you’ll find him

If I look hard enough, I can find God anywhere. That sunrise coming up, I can see Him in that. The sweet embrace of a friend or child, I can feel His love. A kind word from a stranger or a good morning note just because — I know God was a part of those.

Sometimes, when I start feeling that God isn’t near, I quickly realize that I am just not seeking Him. He is there – I just need to open my eyes to all the goodness that He has provided. Usually if I feel like this, I can glance back at different times in my life – especially my lowest lows. During some of those moments in my life, I would have bet that God wasn’t there. And yet, looking back, I can see each and every piece of the puzzle that he laid out to get me through those situations.

Sometimes it takes reflecting and sometimes it takes seeking him, and sometimes, God just flat out puts it on a platter and hands it out – like He did last Sunday.

For months now, Abel’s nightly prayer request has been to get saved – he has been praying for the time and opportunity for God to speak to his heart. At 7 years old, he knew the importance of a relationship with Jesus and longed to take his faith a step further.

But he is also 7. So, while we prayed with him about this every chance we could, and prayed for him separately as well, we would still catch him taking an occasional snooze during church or seemingly not paying attention at all.

And this past Sunday didn’t seem much different. Church was nearing the end and, with one kid in cheer and one kid in football, and games immediately following the service, Lee took off with those two to get them changed and there on time. But church wasn’t quite over – and God wasn’t done.

After Lee left with the two other kids, Reagan, Abel and I watched as a young boy walked up to the altar to pray. Soon after, another little girl walked up. With Abel in the middle of Reagan and me, all three of us sat down and bowed our heads to pray for those two kids and their search for God.

Knowing Abel’s repeated prayer request, or maybe just feeling God moving through, Reagan and I both put our arms around Abel as we silently prayed. I don’t know how long we prayed – it could have been 2 minutes, or it could have been 2 hours. All I know is that when I eventually looked up at Abel, he had tears pouring from his eyes and was absolutely speechless.

Seven years old and overcome with emotions – completely and utterly enveloped in God’s love that was surrounding him and radiating through him. He just sobbed. He knew. He was sure that God was in that moment with him. He felt Him.

It was so powerful, that the conviction and truth he was feeling poured out of him. Had I not been a believer before, that moment truly would have sealed the deal for me. With tears still falling, he made it out into the aisle and up to the altar.

That day, Abel received such an amazing gift and has a true testimony and story to tell – and trust me, he wants to tell any and everyone. Seriously, if he hasn’t spilled it to you yet, just ask him about it!

This little boy sought out God over and over again. He looked and prayed for that moment so many times. His trust and belief in God – leading up to and during that moment – were strong enough to break any chains of doubt.

Isn’t that just like God?

Sometimes, we have to seek Him – search within ourselves and our circumstances to find His touch. And sometimes, God puts on a show and lays his presence out there in an awe-inspiring performance deserving of a standing ovation – like He did that day for Abel.

Abel’s continual seeking – looking around for God – praying over and over for a relationship and asking for God to come into his heart – sure seems like it warranted the spiritual results he received. Knowing God like I do, I highly doubt that is a coincidence. Rather just another tap-on-the-shoulder reminder that I needed from God.

Seek Him. Relentlessly – with child-like faith. Search for him. Continually – even when it seems like He hasn’t answered. And trust Him – like a sobbing 7-year-old overcome with emotion. He’s there – He has always been there. Sometimes, it just takes truly looking around and finding Him.

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mom and bonus mom. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Lee Parsons, and their seven kids.