18-year-old charged in connection to Elida Elementary incident

ELIDA — Elida schools and the American Township Police Department are investigating an incident in which several individuals reportedly brandished what appeared to be firearms in the elementary school parking lot last Thursday evening.

The alleged incident occurred around 8:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, at which time several individuals reportedly drove into the parking lot at Elida Elementary School, 300 Pioneer Road, exited their vehicles and brandished what appeared to be firearms, according to a letter from Elida Superintendent Joel Mengerink published on Facebook.

District officials became aware of the incident and contacted the American Township Police Department on Tuesday.

American Township Police charged Damon Alexander, 18, with one felony count of illegal conveyance or possession of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance or of an object indistinguishable from a firearm in a school safety zone.

Alexander is in custody at the Allen County Jail awaiting court as of Thursday morning, according to jail records.

Chief Mike Haines said several other juveniles and adults may face charges too, although no additional charges were filed as of Thursday morning.

Haines said the incident did not pose a threat to students or staff, as there were no events underway at the elementary school.

In the letter, Megerink said Elida schools removed and disciplined “multiple” students believed to be involved in the incident, and more student discipline is possible as the district continues its investigation.

While the district is not releasing further information about the students due to state and federal student privacy laws, Mengerink wrote that “possession of weapons will not be tolerated on school property.”

Mengerink encouraged parents and students to immediately report concerns, so the district and law enforcement can investigate promptly.

“The district’s primary concern always is the safety and well-being of its students and staff,” Mengerink wrote. “The district does have counseling available to any students and staff who may want to speak to someone.”