Volunteers give back during Day of Giving

LIMA — Friday’s rainy start did not dampen the spirits of the more than 300 volunteers at the United Way of Greater Lima’s eighth annual Day of Caring, kicking off the United Way’s 2024 campaign by linking volunteers with area non-profits and community service agencies to help with service projects.

The day began early with a 7:30 a.m. breakfast and awards ceremony at OSU-Lima’s Cook Hall. The awards ceremony honored individuals and agencies that stood out for exceptional performance during the 2023 campaign, which raised $1.4 million for 40 programs spread across 36 Lima-area partner agencies.

“We don’t just give money out to the agencies,” United Way of Greater Lima President and CEO Erin Hardesty said. “We support the programs that fit into health, education and financial stability.”

Hardesty is hoping this year’s campaign will bring in $1.6 million for these programs, such as the Court Advocacy Program through Crime Victim Services or the Feeding More Children and Families Program through the West Ohio Food Bank. Hardesty said these programs can help stretch those dollars to make a greater impact on the community.

“A good example is the food bank,” she said. “If you go to the store and buy a jar of peanut butter for $3 or whatever it is right now, for that $3, they can buy about three cases of peanut butter or more. So that’s how our agencies take dollars and make them so they can spread them out and use them.”

The West Central Ohio Food Bank was one of the agencies to benefit from the Day of Giving as volunteers helped with a drive-through food distribution, boxing food for senior citizens and warehouse maintenance projects. E.S. Evans and Company employees and first-time Day of Service volunteers Linda Honigfort and Trevor Horstman were helping with a painting project in the warehouse and were impressed with what they saw at the food bank.

“This is a well-run organization,” Honigfort said. “Everyone’s jumping in to help.”

For Horstman, giving back to the community through volunteering, even with a warehouse painting project, was a gratifying experience, one he hopes other people will try for themselves.

“It doesn’t take much effort,” he said. “You’ve always got a little bit of time.”

To learn more about the United Way of Greater Lima, its partner agencies and ways to contribute, go to https://bit.ly/3U4h35g.

United Way of Greater Lima 2023 Campaign Award Winners

• Non-Profit of the Year: Allen County Educational Service Center

• Partner Agency of the Year: Soldiers of Honor

• Union Partner of the Year: Lima Building and Construction Trades Council

• Employee Campaign Champion of the Year: Jessica Eutsler, Lima Memorial Health System

• Corporate Partner of the Year: Webb Insurance Company

• Volunteer of the Year: JaMesha Williamson

• Paul Woehlke Volunteer Achievement Award: Drew Kantonen