Real Life Mama: Mama can relate to lessons in the Bible

Recently, our kids moved around for Sunday school classes based on ages and my 15-year-old – along with some other teenagers — joined our group. I am not going to lie, I love this change. Look, I was born and raised in church and still feel like I am always asking all the questions. So, I was kind of excited to maybe have some others who may have some questions as well.

However, a few Sundays in with the newcomers in our class, and another lesson that I could completely appreciate and expressed as much, Bubba, who had yet to participate unless called on, made a smart comment to me about how I seem to relate every single week.

Most likely it was his half-joking way of saying that I talk too much. Which, come on, everyone already knows that. Ha! But his words stuck with me. I mean, I can relate to so many parts of the Bible – not because they happened to me, but because I work to apply the lesson to myself.

Look, I may not be building an Ark, but I sure am getting some of those same crazy looks as I pass on drinking – even though every other song, ad, and person is blasting something about alcohol. I am sure Noah had people looking at him like he was crazy as well.

I may not have been thrown into a den with lions, but this year alone I completely placed my life – my career – in God’s hands with as much faith in prayer as I could give that He would protect our financial future.

And you better believe that just like Daniel, I have had moments where I turned away from God and sinned – where I have not been where God wanted me – and yet, after much conviction, growth and confession, the Lord forgave me and blessed me abundantly. You know, cue Solomon.

Like Jacob, I have lied or pretended to be someone I am not so as to gain different things in life. Not only that, but I have also been Rebekah, his mother, and put others up to something they shouldn’t be. Not proud moments or times – but realizing I am just as guilty as Jacob of fooling others – and knowing that Jacob was still the lineage of Jesus. Whew, that is refreshing.

And you can ask my mom, I have been forgiven by her for mistakes I made growing up and still loved unconditionally by her. Yet I have turned around and not forgiven someone else who had hurt me. I have strayed from my parents’ teachings and God’s word and still came running home to open arms and a feast – both from my parents and from God.

I have been the woman at the well – who felt unworthy to be loved or even to speak to Jesus. And I am the lady who had the most sins and was talked about for kissing the feet of Jesus. What’s worse, I have been the one who thought my sins were not as bad as hers and have talked about her.

By my actions I have not always shown the world who Jesus is or what He has done for me. In doing so, I have denied Jesus – maybe three times in a row – and I am sure a rooster crowed somewhere. And it may as well have been me who handed Him over to be killed.

Throughout life, I have eaten the forbidden fruit that Adam and Even ate – I am just as full of sin as those who first sinned. But, also like Adam and Eve, I have a Savior who poured out his blood for sins like mine.

So yes, son, they are all relatable. Every single story – all of the historical writings and every parable that Jesus spoke spilling out lessons that begged for us to learn from them. They may have taken place well before my time and the terminology may have evolved since then, but the importance of them – the message pouring out of them – it is all relatable.

That’s the thing – God, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. An apple or stealing joy, goat skin or lying, Lions or faith, running or coming home – they’re all relatable. And the more diving in the word that I have done – the opening of my Bible and reading, small groups and talking, praying and applying – the more I can relate.

Sarah (Pitson) Shrader was born and raised in Lima. She is a Lima Central Catholic and Tiffin University graduate. Sarah is a full-time working mama who enjoys writing about her somewhat crazy, always adventurous life as a mom and bonus mom. She lives in Bath Township with her husband, Lee Parsons, and their seven kids.