Business owners discuss AI

LIMA — The business sector uses a lot of tools for growth in a company. On Friday morning, the Dean of Technology and Liberal Studies David Haus and NOW Marketing Group Jessika Phillips discussed the use of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace.

“Every company is an AI company whether they think so or not,” Haus said. “Those tools are everywhere and becoming a part of the common everyday things we use in the office. Even if you use Microsoft Office, they have AI tools now.”

Haus also said the use of AI helps with efficiency.

“Some of the practical ways we are using AI is using it to take up extra time,” Phillips said. “For example, if you are going to a meeting and trying to take notes, it can be kind of distracting. We use; it can be helpful to simplify things.”

Phillips also said companies can use AI to aid in creativity while marketing. Haus said you can utilize AI to help with writing for your company. The speakers said different programs can help with writer’s block. Haus also said the use of AI for writing does have disadvantages.

“The downside is the use of AI is not an easy button,” Haus said. “Another con is a number of the AI tools are free: buyer beware.”

The speakers said when using AI for writing, the result may not “sound” like the business owner. Haus said you can train some AI to mimic your writing style or creativity.

“You can also use a Google Teachable Machine,” Haus said. “Business owners can train the tool. It is important to get input from employees because it is important to get those perspectives in any business process.”

The NOW Marketing Group website also says AI can be used for customer service, financial and inventory management, recruiting and much more,

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