Lima Memorial celebrates 125 years

LIMA — Lima Memorial president and CEO Mike Swick unveiled two works of art to celebrate a significant milestone for the health system on Monday.

Lima Memorial celebrated its 125th anniversary with a rededication ceremony in its welcome center and Swick said it has been a long journey from the health system’s humble beginnings in 1899.

“We were the first hospital in the community and we had 10 beds back then,” he said. “Now 125 years later, we’ve become something a lot bigger in terms of that, but we’re still part of the community and that’s what it’s all about. We have great staff and a great dedication, but we thought it would be a great opportunity to celebrate this anniversary by remembering everybody before us and everyone coming after us.”

Mayor Sharetta Smith delivered a proclamation for the event and said she was proud to be a part of the event.

“It’s great to be here to share this celebration,” she said. “The hospital has been a part of this community and has given back to the community. It’s important that we celebrate our healthcare icons.”

Swick showed off a journal from the health system’s first president and invited guests to view the historical items and art on display.

“We provide great care here and have for years even if the prices might be different from 1899,” he said. “But I think the message is that we’re here for you as a community. So whether you need robotic surgery or our cardiac program, we believe local care is important for everyone in the community.”

Swick added that it was humbling for him to be a part of the event.

“There are a lot of people before me that got this to where it is now,” he said. “I’m just glad I can keep it going to hand it off to the next person down the road. As long as we leave it better than it was before, we’re going to be successful and I know we will with the staff and team we have.”

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Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.