Putnam County court records, May 6-8

Putnam County Common Pleas Court

May 7

Matthew Anderson, Lima, was found in contempt for failing to pay child support as previously ordered. He was found to be in total arrears in the amount of $22,976.11. Sentencing on the matter was continued until 9 a.m. Aug. 14.

Judy L. Davis, Cloverdale, and Brian Davis, Melrose, were granted a dissolution of marriage. They were married Sept. 30, 2009 in Paulding and have no children.

May 8

Christopher R. Landwehr, 52, Cloverdale, was sentenced to 45 days jail for aggravated menacing. He was given credit for 24 days served. He was also placed on five years community control for attempted disrupting public serices. He must obtain and maintain employment and successfully comlete all counseling and treatment recommended. Charges of tampering with evidence and domestic violence were dismissed.

Kevin A. Yoh, 44, McComb, charged with failure to comply with the order of a police officer, bond was revoked upon motion of the state and an arrest warrant issued.

Nicholas A. Hazelton, 37, Ottawa, charged with violating a protection order, bond was revoked upon motion of the state and an arrest warrant issued.

New Cases

Credit Acceptance Corp., Southfield, Mich., v. Derick P. Niese, Fostoria; other civil.

Andrea L. Wagner, Leipsic, v. Matthew E. Wagner, Leipsic; domestic other.

UMB Bank National Association, Coppell, Texas, v. Gary T. Gerdeman, Leipsic; foreclosure.

Tracy L. Strauer, Ottawa, v. Kyle Strauer, Ottawa; divorce with children.

Putnam County Municipal Court dispositions

April 10

Monica Shaw, 28, Oakwood, pleaded guilty to domestic violence. Sentence: 180 days jail, 170 days suspended, $50 fine and complete treatment program at Surest Path Recovery Center. A charge of assault was dismissed.

May 6

Nancy M. Hanneman, 66, Ottawa, pleaded guilty to cruelty to animals. Sentence: 90 days jail, suspended and must not own or possess any pets or harbor a companion animal.

Putnam County Municipal Court judgments

May 6

LVNV Funding, LLC, Greenville, S.C., default judgment v. Jenni Litten, Columbus Grove, $1,400.26, plus interest and costs.

Village of Ottawa, agreed judgment v. Oswaldo Salinas, Ottawa, and Angelia Campos, Ottawa, $2,126.46 for unpaid municipal income tax penalty and interest for tax years 2020 and 2022 plus interest and costs.

May 8

Citibank, Sioux Falls, S.D., consent agreement v. Melissa R. Maag, Ottawa, $7,890.77, plus costs of $95, plus interest and costs.