Jones to take Lima 5th Ward council seat

LIMA — Lima’s Council of the Whole met Monday to recommend a new name to be appointed to the vacant Fifth Ward city council seat, the seat formerly held by Jamie Dixon who vacated the seat after becoming council president.

Dixon said that Thomas Jones, a lifelong resident of the Fifth Ward, would represent his section of the city well.

“Jumping out of the gate after interviews were over, I think we all had reached a consensus of who we knew the top leader was going to be to fill the position,” he said of the night’s executive session that saw four candidates interview for the position.

Dixon touted Jones’ resume.

“You may have seen some of his work with the teachers appreciation banquet in our community this past summer,” he said. “With Mr. Jones, we see someone that is going to be vibrant, engaging and welcoming and is easy to approach with any concerns. He will be able to answer questions in a timely fashion, but ultimately do the work of the people with research and make sure he has adequate data and facts.”

Jones will fill the position for the next two years of the four-year term left open by Dixon. After the law director’s office authorizes legislation to approve Jones as a council member, the council will officially approve him at its Feb. 5 meeting.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.