Regan to take the stage at Civic Center

LIMA — If you like music, dancing and comedy, Brian Regan said that you should come to his show this weekend because he will be doing a third of that.

But even though the comedian will not be performing music or dancing at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Veterans Memorial Civic Center, he promises to bring plenty of laughs to Lima.

“Every artist in the world wants to perform in Lima,” Regan said, hyperbolically. “But actually, I went to college in Ohio and I have a lot of friends from the area so it’ll be fun to be there and see some people I knew from Heidelberg College.”

The comedian, from Miami, said that it took some adjusting the first time he came to Ohio, but that he will get a lot out of having the support at this weekend’s show.

“I was like a fish out of water and everyone was too pleased to watch me looking up as the first snowflakes fell asking, ‘What planet is this guy from?’” he said. “It’s cool to have a bunch of friends that I met in college who will be able to come and check it out.”

For anyone else interested in checking out the show from the “Loudermilk” regular, Regan hopes that they will walk from the show having seen things from his perspective.

“Everybody wants their comedy to be funny and I like to think mine is, but I hope people think it’s interesting,” he said. “A lot of people don’t prefer their comedy that way, but I like to think of peculiar things and share them and I’d like to think it makes people have a thought. And my goal is to make people laugh and think.

“But if you don’t want to think that’s fine, you can just come out and laugh. And you don’t even have to laugh, you can just come out and sit there.”

Regan said that, in addition to his time on “Loudermilk,” he also has a four-episode stand-up series on Netflix available to watch and that past albums and specials are out, as well as clips available on social media, but that he is also interested in more TV shows and movies.

“I would love to create different types of programming and stuff,” he said. “I like doing stand-up, but I have ideas for shows, movies, animation projects and documentaries. I’m beginning the process of seeing if I can get some interesting content out there.”

Even if all of that fails, Regan hopes that he is at least remembered for that word: “Interesting.”

“I want people to see some things I’ve done and say, ‘Hey, that was kind of interesting,’” he said. “I guess I want my tombstone to say ‘Brian Regan: He was interesting.’”

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit the Civic Center website,

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.