Lima releases new logo for the city

LIMA — After meetings with graphic designers and surveys requesting public input, the city has announced its new logo. Public Information Officer Jessica Begonia said the city received over 1,500 votes from residents. Mayor Sharetta Smith weighed in on the new change.

“It is truly an honor to watch, participate and help move the revitalization that is occurring all throughout our city,” Smith said. “There is a sense of excitement. There is also a sense of pride and a sense of reverence for who we are and what our history represents.”

According to Begonia, the logo has 12 stars representing the first original townships in the city. In addition to the stars, each color chosen carries meaning and a reflection of the city.

“The cerise red (which is a word for cherry) is a nod to our Japanese sister city, Harima-Cho, in the gift of cherry blossoms that we have here,” Smith said. “The azul blue is reflected in different architecture throughout our community, including the brick in the new amphitheater. The cadet gray is a nod to our manufacturing industry, a strength of our resiliency throughout our community. The harvest gold is a symbol of prosperity, vibrancy in arts and inclusion.”

Reach Precious Grundy at 567-242-0351.