Grant enables Encore Theatre to fund improvements

LIMA — The Encore Theatre has new improvements designed to make the local Lima venue for plays and musicals both more attractive and more accessible.

Thanks to a Destination Development Grant from Visit Greater Lima, the theatre is adding a handicapped section inside the auditorium and a sidewalk on the outside of the building connecting the west side parking lot to the ramped entrance on the east side of the building.

“This is the third time we’ve received monies from Visit Greater Lima for this kind of grant,” Karen Finn, president of the theatre said. “The idea is to enhance the audience experience and it is actually in its last phases right now.”

So far, a crew from Bok Custom Concrete has already poured the concrete for the sidewalk and one from Landscape Associates has replaced the landscaping that had to be removed before construction, but the concrete for the new handicapped section inside the auditorium has also already been poured.

“On the left side, there was a space where people could come and sit their wheelchairs and companion chairs, but now we will have a matching section on the other side,” Finn said. “And so we did it all with one load of concrete.”

Workers may still have to get to mulching, but most of the work was done by Friday.

“We’re going to have a mix of stone and wood mulch here, but obviously there was planning involved,” Finn added. “Most of this will be completed today. The concrete was pretty much done in a couple of days.”

For the Encore Theatre, getting help like the Destination Development Grant means a lot.

“We’re a small organization and we’re all volunteers so we don’t pay people to go out and fundraise for us,” Finn said. “Being able to bring in money to help with things that are not maybe the top priority, but that will help our audience enjoy the experience is really important. And it allows us to help in other fundraising efforts, such as, for example, our roof which needs to be replaced.”

Finn said that the theatre is working on gathering money for that important item, but that it is not something that will impact how the audience enjoys upcoming performances of “Charlotte’s Web” July 24 and 25, “Fiddler on the Roof” Aug. 4 to 6 and “Misery” in October.

And if anyone wishes to get involved and help out the theatre, Finn said they are always welcoming volunteers.

“There are many ways to contribute and we’re always looking for volunteers to help in all the capacities that we have available here,” she said. “Anything from ushering to helping build sets or work on costumes or paint is appreciated.”

For more information on the theatre and other shows, visit the Encore Theatre Facebook page or website.

Reach Jacob Espinosa at 567-242-0399.