GOP rallies faithful in Putnam County

OTTAWA — The issue of abortion is being “forced upon” Ohio’s constitution, state Treasurer Robert Sprague told the GOP faithful in Putnam County Saturday.

“I believe the Lord when he says ‘Thou shalt not kill,’” Sprague said during the Putnam County GOP’s Lincoln-Reagan fundraiser Saturday, which featured remarks from Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, state Sen. Rob McColley and other party leaders.

About 300 people attended Saturday’s fundraiser at the Ottawa Knights of Columbus Hall, which Putnam County Commissioner Michael Lammers said sold twice as many tickets as the previous year’s fundraiser.

Opposition to an anticipated constitutional amendment that would enshrine the right to an abortion into Ohio’s constitution, which could come before voters as early as November, was a prominent theme Saturday as GOP lawmakers rallied their voters to support a separate amendment that would raise the threshold for future amendments to pass from 50% plus one to 60%.

GOP lawmakers are eyeing a possible August special election for their amendment, but the House has yet to vote on legislation authorizing the special election.

“Nothing is more important than your vote,” Sprague said, declaring that “life and death” are on the ballot in November.

In a similar speech, McColley described Putnam County as the “conscience of the pro-life movement.”

“These are the people who are going to show up in November,” McColley said.