Local Republicans hear from Vance

PUTNAM COUNTY — U.S. senate candidate J. D. Vance was the keynote speaker at a Republican pep rally held Tuesday evening at the Lincoln-Reagan dinner at the Knights of Columbus outside of Ottawa.

Congressman Bob Latta noted that it is “only 62 days and one hour and thirty-nine minutes until the polls close. We have to be fired up because in the state we’ve got some really important elections. So tell your friends that they’ve got to keep voting down the ballot, especially to get to the court races to make sure that we get a hold of the Supreme Court.”

District One State Senator Rob McColley added his message, “I want to talk a little bit about why we need to be fired up and why we need to avoid complacency in this upcoming election. There have been talks for months about how this is going to be a wave year for Republicans. I would say that they have the potential to be a wave here because in large part, the state of Ohio in particular is fed up. They’re fed up with the promises from the Democrats that turn out to be lies. They’re fed up with the Democrats saying, ‘Hey, we’re gonna do what’s best for your job, for your family to put food on your table’ and then it turns out to go against them.”

J. D. Vance shared, “I think the message is really simple. If you want to be able to put food on the table, if you want the prices to come down and if you want to stop the flow of drugs across the southern border, we just need to go in a different policy direction.

“I think the biggest problem with Tim Ryan is that he has been on the wrong side of every issue in the past 20 years. He’s been pro-violent criminals instead of pro-police. He’s been pro-open borders instead of controlling the flow of drugs. He’s been pro-destroying the American energy sector. So it’s a guy who had the opportunity to lead on important issues to fight back for the people of Ohio. He never does that.”

Vance later summarized, “We do the things we do because we think that if you work hard and play by the rules, you deserve to live a good life in the country that our parents and grandparents built.”

Reach Dean Brown atv567-242-0409

Dean Brown
Dean Brown joined The Lima News in 2022 as a reporter. Prior to The Lima News, Brown was an English teacher in Allen County for 38 years, with stops at Perry, Shawnee, Spencerville and Heir Force Community School. So they figured he could throw a few sentences together about education and business in the area. An award-winning photographer, Brown likes watching old black and white movies, his dog, his wife and kids, and the four grandkids - not necessarily in that order. Reach him at [email protected] or 567-242-0409.