Details emerge from scuffle at Lima Senior

LIMA — An altercation outside Lima Senior High School last Friday, which resulted in the suspension of three football players, reportedly started after an older man punched a woman who was waiting in her car, according to a police report of the incident filed by the Lima Police Department.

The young woman’s 16-year-old brother reportedly jumped in to defend her after the man struck her with a closed fist, according to the police report, which relied on interviews with witnesses, victims and coaches in the immediate aftermath of the fight.

The woman, who was handcuffed by police at one point, had visible injuries on her neck, but her brother showed no signs of physical injuries and declined an ambulance, according to the report.

The man who reportedly struck the woman left the high school before police arrived and was not identified in the report.

The altercation occurred outside the high school late Friday evening as players were returning from a football game in Toledo.

Police estimate as many as 70 people were present, though it is unclear how many were physically involved in the altercation. One officer who responded to the call wrote that he could hear shouting from the high school as he left the station that night, according to the report.

Three players were suspended earlier this week for allegedly taking part in the altercation, but their role in the fight is unclear.

It’s also unclear whether the altercation will result in criminal charges for any of the parties involved.

None of the injuries reported after Friday’s altercation met the standard for felonious assault, but misdemeanor charges are possible once the case is referred to the Lima prosecutor, according to Det. Sgt. Jason Garlock of the Lima Police Department.

The Lima News has requested body and cruiser camera video from LPD officers who responded to the call as well. An email from the LPD records office Thursday said the department would release the video as soon as possible.