Snyder sisters claim top awards in llama costume contest

LIMA — A miniature parade of llamas and alpacas dressed in their finest capes, wedding attire and sporting gear strutted around the Sheep Show Arena at the Allen County Fairgrounds Wednesday.

The costume contest, one of several held this year, gave junior fair exhibitors an outlet for their creativity as they dressed up alongside their animals: A pair of superheroes; golfers; a bride and groom; Lilo & Stitch.

Claire Snyder, 10, of Bluffton and her llama On Track, who was dressed in white linens with a set of golf clubs slung to his side, took home first place for their old-school golf-themed costume.

Llamas and alpacas, which can weigh between 120 lbs. and 450 lbs., are known for their occasional spitting. So, was it difficult to get On Track into his costume?

“He’s a pretty laid back (llama), so it is and isn’t (difficult) sometimes,” Snyder said. The animals are also sensitive around their ears, Snyder said, and may try to shake off anything attached to their head. Thankfully for Snyder, On Track left his visor alone for the duration of the contest.

Snyder’s older sister, Audra, 14, claimed second place in the costume contest Wednesday for her take on the classic Disney film “Lilo & Stitch.”

Llamas and alpacas are not the only animals to show off their fashion sense at the Allen County Fair. On Monday, a best-dressed bovine competition also took place in the show arena.