Superior Plus Realtors cuts ribbon

LIMA — Superior Plus Realtors had a ribbon cutting at their new facility on Friday at 2903 Elida Road. The event was used to honor two real estate agents who have contributed to the Superior Plus Realtors team — Pam Vickers and Gene Nemeche.

President Kurt Neeper explained Pam Vickers’ contributions to Superior Plus Realtors. “When Yocum Realty merged with Superior Plus Real Estate it was unusual for a credit union to get involved in real estate brokerage space. From day one, Pam was our biggest advocate. Because of her respect in the market and with other real estate agents, she was able to say that this (Superior Plus) was going to be great. Everything was going to work out and everyone listened to her. I don’t know that we’re standing here without Pam. So we’d like to honor Pam today, unveiling the Vickers Closing Room. That’s where a lot of closings will take place with clients.”

Gene Nemeche purchased Yocum Realty in 1972. He was named broker of the year in 1995. He was a member of the Realtor’s Association for over 50 years. To honor Nemeche, Superior unveiled the Nemeche Room.

Ryan Stackhouse explained the current situation in real estate with interest rates beginning to creep up. “It’s affecting purchasing power. Those people who were looking at a house at 3% are now having to go down about 25% of what they were looking to buy before if they want to keep that same monthly payment. It does take a toll on the market a little bit. There’s still a demand, but there’s not as many offers coming in at once.”

Reach Dean Brown at 567-242-0409

Dean Brown
Dean Brown joined The Lima News in 2022 as a reporter. Prior to The Lima News, Brown was an English teacher in Allen County for 38 years, with stops at Perry, Shawnee, Spencerville and Heir Force Community School. So they figured he could throw a few sentences together about education and business in the area. An award-winning photographer, Brown likes watching old black and white movies, his dog, his wife and kids, and the four grandkids - not necessarily in that order. Reach him at [email protected] or 567-242-0409.