Ohio Business Groups announce endorsements of State Supreme Court Justices

LIMA — The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Ohio Political Action Committee (PAC), Ohio Business Roundtable PAC, Ohio Chamber of Commerce PAC, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation PAC and the Ohio Manufacturers Association PAC joined Monday to announce the endorsement of Sharon Kennedy for Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court and Pat DeWine and Pat Fischer for re-election to the Ohio Supreme Court.

The announcement was held at the Maker Space in Lima, home to the future Central District. Tracie Sanchez, owner of Lima Pallet Co. and partner of Maker Space has served on the Leadership Council of NFIB since 2009.

“Small businesses like mine and those in this room help to make our local community vibrant and employ our fellow members in our neighborhoods,” Sanchez said.

The five business associations ultimately believe that predictability matters. According to the press release, “Ohio’s business community relies on a predictable and consistent Supreme Court, as it allows companies, both small and large to plan and grow for the future. The Ohio business community believes it must be engaged and share how important the Ohio Supreme Court is to the economic environment in Ohio.”

The Ohio Supreme Court justices believe their duty is to represent the Consitution and apply the law to create jobs in Ohio. Supreme Court Justice Sharon Kennedy said, “I am honored to be endorsed by these associations. They are saying not only to their members but those who trust them: this is who you should vote for.”

According to NFIB Ohio Executive Director Roger Geiger, Justice Sharon Kennedy’s commitment to public service and dedication to the state of Ohio has been exemplary.

”Justice Kennedy truly understands the importance of judicial stability to our state’s economy and the role the court can play as the third co-equal body of government. The Ohio small business comment is also proudly supporting Justices Pat DeWine and Pat Fischer in their re-election campaigns for the Ohio Supreme Court. They have brought a wealth of judicial experience combined with strong records of fairness and impartiality to the Court,” Geiger said.

For more information about the NFIB in Ohio, visit www.NFIB.com/OH.