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Dr. Jessica Johnson: Powerful message in ‘Two Thieves’


With the observance of Easter upon us, many people often take this time to enjoy treasured films that commemorate this season such as “The Passion of the Christ” and “Son of God.” “The Ten Commandments,” although it specifically focuses on the Old Testament story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt, has traditionally been shown on television during Easter weekend, and I loved watching it as a kid with my mother and grandmother.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Term ‘ma’am’ does not need to be offensive


Two weeks ago, I came across a thought-provoking article posted on CNN.com by Janelle Davis titled “How ‘ma’am’ went from being a respectful word for some — but polarizing for others.”

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Height was at forefront of civil rights


As Women’s History Month celebrations continue, my column this week focuses on Dr. Dorothy Height, who former President Barack Obama called the “godmother” of the civil rights movement.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: ‘Dilbert’ shows racial mistrust continues today


The contentious fallout from “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams’ alarming YouTube tirade encouraging whites to “get the hell away” from Black people had me yearning for a simpler time, a time long before “cancel culture” infiltrated the news.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: More than thoughts and prayers


The East Lansing community is still reeling from the Michigan State University mass shooting last month that resulted in five students being critically wounded and three losing their lives.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Battle bots with teaching


Like many educators, I am learning more about ChatGPT and its potential impact on student writing for the future.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Reflections on a more perfect union


As sportswriters’ reflections on Super Bowl LVII are now being archived until football ramps up again during the upcoming fall 2023 NFL season, I’ve continued to think about the message in Anthony Mackie’s pre-game “Ragged Old Flag” promotional spot that aired to get viewers into a stirring, patriotic mood.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: More than ‘Love Fest’ for Valentine’s Day


For the past several years, the women’s ministry at my church put on what we call our annual “Love Fest” during the weekend before Valentine’s Day. At this gathering, we receive encouraging words from our pastor on how to take comfort in loving ourselves through Christ’s unfailing compassion for us and how to uplift others with our giving, whether through finances or sacrificing our time.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Heartfelt lessons from beating


I finally brought myself to watch a shortened clip of the brutal beating of Tyre Nichols by Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Emmitt Martin III, Desmond Mills Jr. and Justin Smith, the five former Memphis police officers who have now been charged with second-degree murder.

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Lessons on racial healing


This year’s National Day of Racial Healing town hall, sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, examined the ongoing danger that white supremacist ideology poses to our nation, as well as the challenges many schools have in teaching the truth about our country’s oppressive history against racial and ethnic groups.