I am not anybody special

It was several years ago that I suggested on these pages and to a board member or two of the Lima Bowling Association that it could be great if each year they could honor a member of the association, a bowler, who was ‘just another guy, or lady. The honor would be bestowed upon an individual, maybe two even three who made it easy to come to the lanes when your team was well out of the race for the league title, somebody that brought joy, made you laugh.

I will be honest the person that I hoped would be selected at that time was Keith Henson who did just that for bowlers from across the city. To this day I feel, as to many that he as well as James ‘Soul’ Simpson are worthy of such an honor.

I do want to give credit to Bert McCourt and the crew of Allen County Trophy who honored a senior man and senior woman for what they contributed to the game in our community. Bert, his staff and I always hoped that there was a way that a local organization, especially the LBA/USBC would seize the opportunity to continue the idea. Different individuals, such as Sue Clay have picked up the idea but to this date it has not gotten to the peak that we had hoped that it would. Maybe someday the time will come.

These same thoughts entered my mind during the last youth tournament for this season, especially as I watched three of my favorite youth bowlers roll in that event, Lily Sifrit, Tugg Sifrit and Cameron Patrick. The notion became even more noticeably clear as I interviewed Cam after his victory in the 15 and older division of the tournament. The love and the respect that Cam, as well as Lilly and Tugg have for grand-dad is very apparent.

When you have this kind of a conversation with Tom you will often hear, “I am not anybody special.”

There are so many that do not agree with Tom when that is said. I would hope that the board of the LBA would feel different than Tom, as he works incredibly hard to humbly make things go well for them.

I know that the Riepenhoff family thinks quite a bit differently as he is always willing to jump in and help out whenever there is a need at 20th Century Lanes.

Interestingly enough it was just the other day that I received a phone call from Mike Maag who is currently doing a radio series on youth bowling. He was looking for who would be the best person to talk to about junior bowling in our area. Drew Ambroza each pointed at Chris Sanford and then as quickly the three of us referenced Tom Sifrit.

We were convinced that although there is somebody at each of the houses that takes care of things that there could not possibly be anyone that tops Tom – his commitment to the kids and the board of the LBA.

It would be hard to not give Tom a great deal of praise if we were to just stop there.

That would not be possible!

Tom, like Gerald Johnson Jr./aka Jr., is one of my favorite persons for what he does off the lanes.

When Cam was critically ill a two years ago, Tom and his wife Bonnie made countless trips to Columbus, Ohio to do all they could for their grandchild. Many of us would have done the same it was what they did over and beyond that made a huge difference.

In the considerable downtime, as Cam went through any number of different tests, they visited children that they did not know. They then took things even further. With the permission of the families of the children that they had formed relationships with, gifts began to appear during birthdays and holiday seasons.

That very same unselfish giving attitude permeates every thing that this man does. He is so appreciative of what has been done for his family that he just continues to give back.

Sorry Tom but you lose the argument – You are that special, you are different than most.

There were different directions that I could have gone with this column today but I simply had to praise a gentleman who has always been responsive to my call whenever I have needed him for tournament activity at 20th. In fact I have rarely had to call, he hears, probably feels there is a need and he jumps in.

Each of the houses in the LBA has a similar person, I am sure. Today was his turn to be praised.

Tom you are loved and appreciated by many! Thanks for putting smiles on faces from here to Columbus and beyond. Sorry if I blew your cover!

Nelson Ambroza approached me the other day asking why there was not an all-city or all area bowling team named for the youth.

Great question Nelson! One answer would be that I really do not want the responsibility for hurting feelings, lol. Now if we can share that responsibility that would be okay. Please send me your ideas at [email protected] or message me on Facebook. I would love to hear your ideas for I know there are some that are not going to agree with what I am ready to post two weeks from today. Please limit your selections to those youth who have rolled this season for Lima based schools or in Lima based leagues to include Bluffton.

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By Jack Hammill

Guest Columnist