Area’s bowling strength emphasized often

It has often been written here that our area is the hub for bowling excellence. On one hand we have more than our share of adults who are great competitors.

We reflected upon that course of the sport in our area this past Sunday as we reflected upon our upcoming Lima City Singles at 20th Century Lanes when the qualifying rounds begin this weekend.

On the other hand we have a great collective resume when we take a closer look at the scholastic bowling that goes on in our area as well.

I am not so sure that quantitatively that has ever been in any more evidence than this past weekend.

The University of Northwestern Ohio Racers rolled in Ft. Wayne in Jamboree #3 of the Wolverine Hoosier Athletic Conference. Many of the elite bowling programs in our state were in Columbus for the Annual Ohio High School Kickoff Classic. Finally a core of the area schools that did not get an invite to the Kickoff Classic participated in the first annual Spartan Invitational also at 20th Century Lanes.

It is difficult to say where the greater significance occurred for the weekend but there is a great deal to be said for the kickoff of a new bowling tournament.

Mike Kirian and the Lima Senior High Spartans played host and as a coach of a participating team I would have to echo the coaches that shared that both he and 20th Century did a great job on this the maiden voyage of the event.

One of the best elements was that he only had to look across town for his first champion, the Lady Indians of Shawnee.

Without question is was more fun to sit back and listen to them talk about the tournament than to bowl with or against them.

Kasie Moeller was the first to speak up, “I am just proud of what we did, it was fantastic!” as she showed a smile that betrayed her game face from earlier in the day.

Allie Meeker quickly chimed in, “We really competed! We are totally different than what we were last year, we have come together and are becoming a team!”

Amanda Hobbs continued the lovefest of the team concept. “I am so very proud of us, it is great to be a part of our bowling family.”

Megan Atkinson, who was moved up from the JV team for this tournament added,”We have all come together, supporting each other.”

Dale Aldrich had some huge moments of the lanes and was on mark with her response as well! “I am proud of how well we performed and how will we supported each other, it was a team victory.”

Kayla Kill also made the leap from the JV squad, “I am proud of how we have come together, it is so much better than last year. We are a team!”

Julia Riepenhoff has never been at a loss for words until Saturday. After a little stammering and stuttering she shared, “I am really proud of how we came together and won this tournament. We are improved over last year.”

Coaches Rob Mitchell and Shelley Ambroza I give you props for the growth.

St. Marys was victorious on the men’s side of the equation.

The Roughriders provided me with three of the more memorable moments of the tournament, they were lasting moments that define the nature of high school moments and what the game is all about.

They were so significant that I am only going to tease them here and we will unwrap them in the Sunday column this weekend.

UNOH comes up huge in Ft Wayne

Some quick background for those new to UNOH and their adventures in te Wolverine Hoosier Athletic Conference. The conference has four jamborees or conference tournaments. The third in the series was held in Ft Wayne and hosted by Indiana Tech and the final qualifying event will be held in Michigan as were the first two of this season. The teams are in competition for the privilege of not traveling for the season finale.

Ft Wayne proved very friendly to The Racers, but regrettably even more friendly to Robert Woods and his teammates from the Michigan based Concordia University.

Woods rolled a 300 game to steal game medalist honors from Racer Justin Starn who tallied a 299.

One of the special moments of the event was when The Racers pulled off a rarity, rolling a perfect 300 baker game.

You heard me correctl. Five young men — Jimmy Ebeling, Matt Richmond, Aaron Tietje, Starn and Chandler Stevens — teamed up to roll a 300 game. Monitor your games readers and when you string together strikes like that please let me know, as it is both do-able but rare.

They finished second in the mens and third in the ladies keeping hopes faintly alive that they will be able to host the finale of the conference later in the season.

In truth I am not sure that it matters as this team can go anywhere and roll well.

Ebeling was the top Racer for this event, averaging 221 in the qualifying round while the very talented Briana King led the ladies with a 798 for four games and a red hot Allison Kemp was just behind at 794.

Area well represented at Kickoff Classic

This is another example of excellence that we will further unwrap at a later date. The conference did not add any team gold at the Kickoff but they did represent the area well.

The Wapakoneta boys finished fifth and Coldwater 13th out of a field of 32.

On the girls side of things, Versailles was sixth, Coldwater finished seventh and Wapakoneta 10th. It will be another banner year for the conference.

Individually, Tyler Miller of Wapakoneta rolled 250 – 287 and 242 for a 779 to lead the all tournament team.

Katie Manger of Wapakoneta parlayed a 254 game into a 638 series to take top honors in the tournament for the girls. Paige Hartings shot 628 for the runner-up slot and Britni Hosterman with a fifth place finish of 610 gave the conference three bowlers on the all tournament team.

Even when the team gold does not occur – great things happen for this conference.