
Letter: Disappointing lack of action on one veteran’s request


I have run an ad in The Lima News for three years in a row now. The content of it is that I, as a combat veteran, wished to obtain or purchase permission to deer hunt on private land.

Letter: Confusing mixed messages coming from candidates


I have to admit to some confusion over items I have seen in the newspaper and on TV.

Letter: Representatives did their jobs by fighting solar plan


Our local elected officials did what they were elected to do. They represented the interests of their constituents against corporate behemoths in objecting to the abomination planned by Lightsource BP for Shawnee and Logan townships.

Letter: Grateful to have great paper carrier


I have been blessed with one of the best carriers The Lima News has ever had. She is very competent and concerned with her customers, You would have few issues if all were like her. She’s a great person.

Letter: Why we have inflation in U.S.


Much has been said about the current inflation, high gasoline costs, etc. It is not that hard to understand.

Letter: King has qualities needed to be a leader


My entire life, my mom, Angie King, fought for me and my sister. She wanted us to be raised as “normal” as possible, despite both of us being born deaf. Countless hours were spent researching, talking with insurance companies and reaching out to lawmakers. She wanted to make access to cochlear implants easier for all families.

Letter: Candidates must accept results of past elections


Why do we accept the results of an athletic event? What if Penn State refused to accept the results of Saturday’s loss to Ohio State? Chaos would set in if that happened. We would just fight, and our sports fun would end.

Letter: DeWine deserves to be re-elected


Looking around at swing state gubernatorial elections, many GOP candidates are facing stiff competition from their Democratic opponents. Races such as Nevada, Wisconsin and Arizona are in a dead heat, with recent polls showing the candidates within only a few percentage points of each other.

Letter: A Christian view of abortion


Jesus said, “Not all who say Lord, Lord, will enter Heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father.” The Bible tells us the will of the Father, which Paul very succinctly summarized when he said, “So faith, hope and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Letter: We don’t need a tyrant running J.D. Vance


Lima News columnist Mark Figley is a man just like me. I’ve never appreciated it when a man lied to my face.