
Letter: Heed wise words from the driver’s ed teacher


Many years ago, as a junior at Lima Senior High School, I took a driver’s education class. The instructor, Nelson Lauless, emphasized defensive driving.

Letter: Was justice denied regarding Dr. Wine?


After reading a book by Brice Brenneman entitled “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine,” I felt I should send a letter hoping that people begin to speak up for a man I have never met who was sent to prison and is labeled a sex offender for a crime that he never committed.

Letter: Gender issues bring plethora of millstones


In Luke’s Gospel (17:2), Jesus is quoted as saying, “It would be better for a person to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than to cause one of these little ones to sin.”

Letter: Bad days ahead after Tuesday’s election


Oh, where to begin, Ohio! Thanks to a gerrymandered state, we get to enjoy basically a total Republican-run state government.

Letter: Remember the cost of our freedoms


My late husband and I were at the Ohio State Fair one year, and a tour bus of young veterans with their caregivers came in. All these brave young men were missing legs and arms and had head injuries and more. It made me think of the selfish individuals that want to take to their knees protesting. (What a shame.)

Letter: Grateful people cared enough to return wallet


A huge thanks to the “grandmother” who found my wallet in the parking lot of Menchie’s. I knew I lost it but had no idea where.

Letter: Lies, hate and behavior of the GOP unacceptable


Al Franken was forced to resign after an inappropriate photo of him surfaced. Compare the actions of the Democratic Party then with what we see in the Republican Party today.

Letter: Researching their scores show who should win


Our Constitution is the reason many people want to come live in the U.S., whether they come legally or illegally. If you value the U.S. Constitution and the guarantees that it gives every individual, you should consider voting records of the candidates on the ballot.

Letter: Republicans can’t have it both ways on abortion


Just because Roe vs. Wade has been struck down by the Supreme Court does not mean it will eliminate abortions. It only means that many abortions will be relegated to unhealthy self-attempts or back-alley butchers, which was the case prior to Roe.

Letter: Vance’s statements are cause for concern


Prior to surrendering his conscience to MAGA, J.D. Vance labeled Trump noxious, reprehensible and an idiot. He then underwent an epiphany of biblical proportions. He licked his finger, held it to the wind and decided Ohio constituents might just be ignorant enough to elect him. This is a Vance quote, “We are whether we like it or not, the party of lower income, lower education white people.”