
Letter: Ohio Senate should push for Unleaded 88


In the final weeks of this session, the Ohio General Assembly must prioritize House Bill 165, legislation that would increase access to Unleaded 88 fuel. This legislation was unanimously passed by the House in November 2021. Unfortunately, the Senate Ways and Means Committee has only held one hearing on it. This is frustrating considering the benefits of the bill and its widespread support.

Letter: Jordan should work for all of us


I had such hope after the election. Finally, they are going to work together and do something for us.

Letter: Lima is great for musicians, music lovers


Lima is a great place for musicians. We have some outstanding music stores that go above and beyond. Rettig Music and Goodwin Music are staples in our community, and the staff never disappoints!

Letter: The return of the 1950s


I was a teenager in the 1950s and supported the changes made in the 1960s. Even the Catholic Church loosened its rules a bit. Those changes revealed sexual abuse by priests, sports coaches, and men in positions of power, including politicians.

Letter: GOP has nothing to stand on


The political climate in this country has been going downhill since Newt Gingrich came on the scene and encouraged the nastiness that we now see from the MAGA crowd by telling the party that the next generation of Republicans would have to learn to “raise hell,” to stop being so “nice,” to realize that politics was, above all, a cutthroat “war for power” — and to start acting like it. The GOP certainly took that message to heart.

Letter: Paying for college is on the student


The college crybabies continue to whine about their student loan debt. Unless they got a “full ride” scholarship, did someone tell them college would be free? Every year, I laugh to myself when local media shows college freshmen unloading their belongings to begin their college life. And of course, Mommy and Daddy are there to help them unload and get started.

Letter: Cheating in elections probably not limited to one side


Former president Donald Trump opened up a can of worms when he refused to accept the election results in his second bid for the presidency. His inability to accept the fact that he lost by more than seven million popular votes caused millions of Americans to question our democratic system of election. We have spent the past two years in a prolonged period of mistrust, with accusations of computer fraud, dead people voting, election headquarters being manipulated and a host of complaints which has raised fears that our entire system of governing is broken. The question that never gets answered is, who is doing the cheating?

Letter: Domestic Relations Court’s attack on families


The attack on noble Christian families by the Domestic Relations Court in Lima happens to hundreds of families a year.

Letter: Donation helps fund minority officer program


As a member of Lima City Council, the majority of my day is hearing about what is wrong with our community. When my phone rings, 90% of the time it is about a problem that demands my immediate attention. The majority of the notifications I receive from email and text messages all have the same theme: Something is wrong and needs to be set right.

Letter: Election winners should show bipartisanship


Now that the election is over, the winners need to set some goals. They need to take actions that help the most, not for the party, not for their cronies but for their constituents.