
Letter: Time to pardon minor felonies so they can work


I felt the need to write this letter on the behalf of senior citizens. I have been seeing a lot of older people who are working in stores, trying to help out both the stores and themselves to earn some extra cash.

Letter: Plea for even-handed investigations for all


Here’s a plea to Congress and the American people.

Letter: Equestrian Therapy Program grateful for region’s support


During this holiday season, all of us at the Equestrian Therapy Program would like to express our gratitude to the people of Lima and our surrounding counties. Once again you have opened your hearts to support the work that we do at Fassett Farm.

Letter: Politicians not living in our real world


I saw the headline in Saturday’s paper, “Biden sees economy avoiding recession.” I read a little bit of it and then got so disgusted. All of the excuses that politicians come up with no longer surprises me.

Letter: Trying to help woman who helped his mother


On Dec. 4, a healthcare worker died in a car crash on I-75, as reported by the Toledo Blade and other media. Brandy Houghtalling was 34 years old and a mother of three children.

Letter: Mack belonged on list of high-flying athletes


I loved the article on “High Flying Hoopsters” in last Thursday’s The Lima News!

Letter: Lie about student loan forgiveness and win


In 2012, then-Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, lied on the floor of the Senate by saying that presidential candidate Mitt Romney had not paid taxes in over 10 years. This allegation was labeled “pants on fire” by Politifact. In an interview years after the election, Reid said, “Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?”

Letter: President at fault for high gas prices


Recently President Biden made a statement that gas was over $4 a gallon when he really took office. That may be right, but on Election Day 2020, I bought gas for $1.74. From that day on, gas increased weekly and peaked at over $4 a gallon.

Letter: Looking for answers since 1998


​I was told in 1988 that I had Alopecia Areata Universallitus Totallis. I was told this after a trip to the Cleveland Clinic and a dermatologist specialist.

Letter: Happy to see Flowers back on opinion page


I am grateful that The Lima News brought back Christine Flowers as a contributor to the editorial page. I have missed her articles.