
Letter: Gratitude for person’s culinary generosity


To the anonymous person who bought every person’s dinners at Western Sizzlin’ restaurant Wednesday, we thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

Letter: More important matters for GOP


While Mark Figley is vexed by Joe’s enjoyment of ice cream, weightier matters trounce the petty. Some questions for the guest insurrectionist.

Letter: Documents in garage was front-page news


Once again the Lima Snooze has shown its left-leaning liberal hand. When the president of the United States has classified documents found in a garage at a private residence, it should be front-page news, not buried on page 3 at the bottom of the page.

Letter: A case for repairing Schoonover Pool


I read the article “Lima Aquatic Center in motion” in The Lima News on Jan. 11. It sounds like a facility that will be well-used. I’m also glad that it’s fully funded.

Letter: Not enjoying this circus in Washington


Several years ago, Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus announced they were ceasing operations. At the time, many believed their ending was due to changing public tastes. Everything had went high-tech, and animal acts were just not that exciting anymore.

Letter: Dr. Phil twisted reality of abortion


I want to commend Lisa Rowe on her column in the Dec. 22 edition of The Lima News. Dr. Phil always takes the liberal side and pretends post-abortion stress does not exist.

Letter: Food banks grateful for state’s funding


Over the past several months, the Ohio Association of Foodbanks and our 12 regional foodbanks have encountered many challenges as we worked to keep Ohio families nourished. From July to September 2022, our Ohio food pantries served 38% more households compared to the same quarter in 2021. We’ve also seen sustained increases in food and fuel costs, as well as the expiration of pandemic relief measures, making it a challenge to help those in need across our state.

Letter: Fact-check Huffman’s recent recollections


The stories in The Lima News “Ohio 135th General Assembly begins” and “Ohio after two years of Lima leadership” were an interesting read. It would have been even better if facts were checked.

Letter: The times they are a-changin’


Bob Dylan’s song “The Times They Are A-Changin’” was released in 1964 to characterize “a sweet spot between protesting for the changes mankind needs and also accepting that some things are just meant to be.”

Letter: Foreign donations should help cut colleges’ tuition


I would propose a law for Congress to enact that any university that has an endowment in excess of possibly $100 million — and there are many, starting with Harvard with an endowment in excess of $46 billion — that any foreign “donations” to that university go directly to lowering student tuition costs across the entire student population.