
Letter: Keep driving to find Dietsch Brothers on a Monday

As someone who frequents Dietsch Brothers ice cream and candy store in Findlay, I feel compelled to informer columnist Phil Hugo that there are...

Letter: Blame mishandled docs on whoever moved them

All of this complaining about President Donald Trump and Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Mike Pence mishandling of classified documents is just not the...

Letter: Death and destruction from party of termination

Never in the history of our nation has a singular party caused so much death and destruction as the party of the donkey. Four...

Letter: Sowell’s columns were fantastic, worth reading

If you did not have the opportunity to read Inspector Don Stratton’s column in Saturday’s The Lima News concerning Thomas Sowell, please do so....

Letter: Protect the assets made at Lima’s tank plant

A few years ago, I had the privilege of doing some HVAC work inside of the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, Lima’s tank plant. To...

Letter: Sprague’s choice matters for teachers’ retirements

Findlay’s own state treasurer, Robert Sprague, has an important decision to make — arguably the biggest decision in his rising political career As state...

Letter: Beware that hatred works both ways


I recently read Pastor Robert King’s letter about Leonard Pitts in the paper, “Not sorry to see Pitts’ retirement,” about Pitts’ hatred of certain races of people. I was appalled that there was no mention of Mark Figley’s and Michael Reagan’s columns in the paper and their hatred of some people who aren’t aligned with them and believe as they do.

Letter: Legal system should review Wine conviction


I just finished reading the book “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine” by Brice Brenneman. The old saying that justice is blind is certainly true in this case.

Letter: Usher documented sports in the region


We were so sad to read of the passing of Lima News sportswriter Tom Usher.

Letter: The threat behind the virus still exists


Do you actually think this vaccine is the answer to this virus or the next one to come? Unless and until you get to the root of the problem, the threat still exists!