
Letter: ‘Woke’ culture the latest GOP tactic to scare you


Once conservatives succeeded in overturning Roe, they needed a new issue to rile up their base. The “woke” culture is their new baby.

Letter: God can end useless game of Russian roulette


The Russian roulette game, it’s exciting, dangerous and daring. It kills you when you spin the cylinder, place the muzzle against your head and pull the trigger. It fires. There’s only one bullet in the gun. It could pass you by or kill you. It’s murder or suicide. (Thou shall not kill.)

Letter: EMS squads should offer equal care


On March 13, 2022, my husband collapsed at a friend’s place in Delphos. The rescue squad refused to take his vitals unless he got into the squad vehicle.

Letter: If you can’t get to site, try using https


Artificial Intelligence has caused the use of WWW to not work online and is causing some small businesses’ URLs to lose sales, because they have not upgraded their internet address to https:// . If the address has WWW, try changing to https:// to see if that gets you where you want to go.

Letter: Confusing to see where your taxpayer money goes


I’m not sure whether I am confused or enlightened.

Letter: Don’t sign petition for abortion rights


On Tuesday, there was an article on the front page of The Lima News about “abortion rights.” The abortion rights supporters are preparing to gather 412,591 signatures to put an amendment on the November ballot that would permit mothers of prospective babies to kill them.

Letter: Grateful for the helpers when husband passed out


My husband and I, who are both seniors, were in a checkout lane at Walmart’s eastside Lima location on March 2 when he passed out. I grabbed him to keep him from falling and hitting his head on the floor.

Letter: Astonishing resemblance between Dilbert, Figley


Anybody notice that Mark Figley and Dilbert kind of look alike? It’s good to see Dilbert has rebounded from his cancellation with his regular column in The Lima News.

Letter: Consider paying vets to stand guard at funerals


Recent letters regarding the honor guards for military funerals need to be taken seriously. I’m sure almost everyone has had someone they knew buried with these honors. Every Memorial Day weekend, it’s played out on the nightly news. Our President visits the Tomb of the Unknown, at our country’s National Cemetery, in Arlington, Va.

Letter: Reich’s rewritten history shows he’s a Democratic hack


Well, it appears that The Lima News has found the liberal, socialist, Democrat hack it has been looking for. We are now being subjected weekly to columns in “Their View” by Robert B. Reich, veteran of the Clinton administration. This man who supports a basic living stipend for everyone in our country and various other half-baked Socialist schemes is up to the usual Democrat practice of rewriting history to reflect his view of past events.