
Letter: Warning sirens let down Delphos residents


Thanks again Allen County EMA for warning Delphos nine minutes AFTER the severe weather passes.

Letter: Respect, memories of Alberta Lee


Alberta Lee was a rare and remarkable leader. She and I came from very different political views, yet we worked together on several projects of community service.

Letter: New facility should be named for Lee


I just heard of the passing of a Lima great known as Alberta Lee. She was a great person and all about Lima.

Letter: Letter was absolutely right about banking


The opinion letter by Jeff McDougal (No surprises in Silicon Valley Bank’s failure, March 30) should be read by everyone.

Letter: Shawnee firefighters were great in crisis


On March 26, the Shawnee Carlton House requested the emergency service of the Shawnee Township Fire Department for assistance. Their response was immediate. Their professionalism was top notch!

Letter: Good things happen when you’re in Lima


Reading The Lima News every day, all we ever read is the trials, robberies and domestic issues. I just want the good people of Lima to know there are good and helpful people in this community.

Letter: No surprises in Silicon Valley Bank’s failure


With minimal research, it’s not surprising that signs of failure of the Silicon Valley Bank failure were present. First, a little history of the bank.

Letter: USA, Florida more dangerous than Mexico


Despite all the violence in the news about Mexico lately, the President of Mexico is probably correct. The USA is more dangerous than Mexico. Why do I say that? The latest stats on guns in the USA is over 400 million, excluding those illegal, untraceable, non-metallic guns.

Letter: Lifewise Academy could help solve our problems


There have been articles in The Lima News discussing ways to improve the education of children. One way that we don’t hear about is the education of our children to know about God. As God tells us in Ephesians 6:4, “And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

Letter: Stop whitewashing what happened Jan. 6


According to the revisionist amateur historian, Jan. 6 was an uneventful guided tour through the Capitol.