
Letter: An obvious solution to bathroom situation


I am hearing and reading about the school board meeting at Elida.

Letter: Making opportunities for Lima’s future


My adult life has been spent working in the Lima community, in hopes of building a strong, diverse community, with equitable opportunities. Fortunately, I have served on many boards, including regional universities and those that are disability focused.

Letter: Jordan wasting tax money with prosecutor investigation


So what is Jim Jordan doing now? Can anyone enlighten me?

Letter: Vote ‘yes’ for Upper Scioto Valley EMS


As the retired EMS Chief of USV EMS and current member of USV EMS, my wife and I would like to strongly encourage everyone to please vote yes for USV EMS in the upcoming May election!

Letter: Biden administration attacks an option for life insurance


As a licensed insurance agent, I work with many individuals who elect to protect their families with life insurance. In a perfect world, they will never need this plan. However, for millions of Americans, including retirees and families who have lost a primary wage-earner, life insurance is essential to financial security. However, a pending ruling by the Biden administration puts many of these life insurance plans at risk.

Letter: Influence voters, don’t manipulate them


In fall 2022, Ohio’s legislature voted to end special August elections, stating genuinely honest reasons. I bet losing candidates could agree, as very little voter turnout occurs for them, giving an edge to the agenda sought.

Letter: American Solidarity Party may be political answer


On the April 12 Opinion page of The Lima News, columnist Christine Flowers accused the Democrats of creating a “Banana Republic” by backing the indictment of Trump. Columnist Robert Reich, on the other hand, accused the Republicans of becoming “the American fascist party.”

Letter: Support our park activities and facilities


I am writing to request your support of the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District Levies this coming May 2nd.

Letter: Parks system connects us to peace, tranquility


When you vote in the special election on May 2, please support the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Park District by voting for its two renewal levies.

Letter: Taylor Greene shouldn’t speak to Putnam GOP


The Putnam County Republican Party has managed to reach a new low. They’ve invited Marjorie Taylor Greene to be the guest speaker at the Lincoln/Reagan annual dinner to be held at the Ottawa Knights of Columbus.