Letter: Tend to your community with pride

After reading the article by Blue Chip Construction Company, I was led to respond from my own personal experiences with boarded up and blighted properties.

Around 1998, five neighborhood associations came together to discuss the greatest problems that existed in our communities. We all came to the conclusion that neglected and boarded up properties were at the top of the list. We found out that these properties lowered the value of our property no matter how well it was maintained.

Our efforts led to the renovation of Hope and Nova and the creation of the Waterford Town homes on Hope and Nova streets. We teamed up with the City of Lima with cleanup drives, provided free paint and painting supplies and distributed Plant Pride and Not Litter signs throughout the city.

I applaud the effort of Blue Chip Construction to flip houses in the city, but I don’t think I have the right to ignore my sidewalk if I see a crack in my neighbor’s sidewalk. If you get a ticket for speeding on I-75, believe me there were a lot more people speeding the same day that didn’t get a ticket.

The Lima Fire Department stated that vacant properties attracted homeless people, various animals and were the source of many fires that they responded to. No matter what side of Lima we live on, everyone should take pride in our properties and our city. We all should do what we can to make Lima a better place.

Bill Jackson



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The Lima News

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Lima, OH 45807


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