Letter: Biden shouldn’t help McCarthy’s malcontents

Speaker Kevin McCarthy is soon to be the third Republican Speaker of the House to be run out of town by his own zealots. John Boehner and Paul Ryan received that treatment.

Why should President Joe Biden even entertain the threats by these 20 far-right Republicans who held Speaker McCarthy’s nomination up for 15 days before he sold his soul to them to get the vote? So Biden is supposed to answer to these 20 people’s threat of default?

I would tell them to pound sand and tell the speaker you might have picked this fight, but I’m going to finish it. You have created this situation for yourself by constantly catering to these malcontents in your own party. I’m not catering to them at all.

If I were President Biden, I would let the speaker swing in the wind. I predict that Speaker McCarthy will be ousted by his own party by next summer, when the default becomes imminent. He just picked a fight he can’t finish.

Jeffrey Perine



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