Letter: Teens for Christ board must resign and start over

Despite the Teens for Christ board’s attempt to reopen in Lima, the public must continue to ask questions until it is clear what structural changes are in place to ensure that future students are safe within the organization.

There is no way the current TFC board can impartially proceed over the organization after the inexcusable, alleged events of religious, sexual and emotional abuse that occurred with staff, students and volunteers.

The termination of two unnamed employees is a reactionary response that, while necessary, is not enough to undo the damage of the organization within the community. While the board would like the public to support them as they transition into this new phase, we should demand a full structural change, starting with the resignation of any board members present before July 2022.

The current board can no longer fairly oversee the organization, as many were friends with the former senior leadership, did not rebuke the offenses of the terminated employees (instead they praised their work in their newsletter), have not offered support for victims and many were sitting board members during the time of various alleged events.

Change to broken and abusive religious structures takes years, not a few measly months and two staff terminations. The idea that the board members seem to think they can oversee the future of the organization with these limited actions is the exact reason why the community must continue to be skeptical of communication from the current board members, push back on financial donors and demand the board and current staff’s resignations.

Becky Hartung

Pasadena, Calif.


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