Letter: Answered prayers, politically speaking

I am thanking God for answering my prayers. After the 2020 election, I lost all faith in our voting process. It has not been proven that there was voter fraud, yet!

What has been proven is that major media outlets — newspapers, television, internet, Facebook and Twitter, along with the FBI, the DHS, and the CIA — were working with Twitter to censor all conservative news and ideas that had anything to do with the 2020 presidential election of Donald J. Trump.

It will be interesting to watch what happens to the Democratic Party now that former Democrats have started to “jump ship.” Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic senator from Arizona, announced Friday that she has registered as an independent and says she will caucus with Republicans. She said this was the time to be “true to myself and true to the values of the Arizonans I represent.”

God really does answer prayers!

Kathy Ball



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