Letter: Distrust of elections erodes our democracy

Nikita Khrushchev in 1956 said, “We will take America without firing a shot. … We will destroy you from within.”

The ostensibly Christian Mark Figley is assisting in bringing Khrushchev’s prophecy to fruition. This is how.

Figley is amplifying distrust in the vote, which is the bedrock of democracy. Russian disinformation, according to Brookings, was able to influence public perception by denigrating mail-in voting, highlighting alleged irregularities and sowing doubt regarding electoral integrity.

What doesn’t trouble Figley is startling. He appears to be comfortable with former President Donald Trump’s proposal that the Constitution be terminated, that he hosted golf tournaments for the country that sponsored 9/11, that Trump is friends with numerous pedophiles, that Russian state TV is airing clips of Tucker Carlson or that Jared Kushner was awarded $2 billion for services rendered. Only GOP filth voted in favor of discontinuing aid to Ukraine but in furtherance of Russia’s most favored nation trading status.

Here’s a suggestion, Figley: Country over party. Or are you blinded by the right?

Marilyn Mackey



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