Letter: Lies, hate and behavior of the GOP unacceptable

Al Franken was forced to resign after an inappropriate photo of him surfaced. Compare the actions of the Democratic Party then with what we see in the Republican Party today.

The names that dominate the party of Lincoln are names that would appear on the cover of any sleaze magazine. Names that fill the air with lies, hate and misdirected behavior. Some have grown not to just migrate to that behavior, but far too many have grown to worship it as well. Authoritarian fascism seems to be the direction that they would prefer.

When a former president ushered in the era of violence by urging his supporters to physically assault any legal protester, we find ourselves in a new America where politicians are attacked on the grounds of the Capitol and even in their own homes.

The message received is to win at all costs, and defeat is not an option. If that message filters into all endeavors of American life, then we have all lost, and the America we once knew is gone forever.

Charles Thomas



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