Letter: Short memories about how safe we really were

It seems the theme of many political ads in this election is safety. Several candidates suggest that there was less crime before President Biden was elected.

They want me to forget that a Black man couldn’t walk through a neighborhood in broad daylight without the risk of being chased down and killed. After dark, they were at greater risk.

It seemed hardly a day went by without at least one being murdered, often more than one. There were riots in the streets of many cities that were previously regarded as low-crime areas, cars plowing into people, and more. Much more.

We are also voting on whether a judge should consider the public’s safety when considering bail. This ignores the person’s presumption of innocence and allows the judge’s prejudices to dictate the decision. That would inevitably lead to appeals based on a person’s civil liberties being denied by those prejudices, which would slow down the court system.

Truthfully, our safety doesn’t depend on either party having power. Our safety comes from the Lord, through the angels camped round about us.

Jane Jones



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