Letter: The republic is sick and needs recuperation

The country is in a very sad state, and the Trump era was no exception to the many failed attempts to improve the state of the republic. Yes, with all the votes cast, it still was an election with just 55% of the citizens qualified to vote actually casting a ballot… another good indicator the republic is sick.

The Jan. 6 insurrection, as you call it, is another sign of a republic with a bonus army going to Washington, D.C., to show concern about their ailing nation.

I would also ask that you look at the pizza-gate story for what it was, disinformation. Child protective services in general single-handedly accounts for the largest drain on Social Security since Reagan and Bush hot-wired all Title IV funding to the trust fund. They drain an average of half a trillion a year from the trust now for family court services and handle the support offered to the states with near zero accountability. The programs are like a license to steal, with only 7 or 8% efficacy to the clients they say they are serving.

That, of course, would put children at disadvantage, and that certainly would provoke a bonus army.

If this letter provokes some feeling, look up the bonus army of concerned citizens who visited Washington, D.C., in 1932 and 1933. Herbert Hoover persecuted them and treated their concerns with horrible indifference, even outright fascism. That’s compared to the compassion offered by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s administrations, who made it a priority to balm their concerns with a reasonable response.

No, we surely cannot celebrate.

Louis Devault



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