Letter: Shakeup in Washington best way to solve mess

I’ve been watching/reading all the stuff on student loan forgiveness. I preface this with I paid my student loans off. While I don’t agree with student loan forgiveness, I don’t begrudge anyone who will benefit from the forgiveness.

College is unaffordable because the government guarantees the loans. (Most people can’t discharge the debt in bankruptcy.) You can discharge all other types of debt, thus making everything cost more. So, if you have ever filed bankruptcy, I don’t want to hear you complain about student loan forgiveness.

I just read an article where the reader asked “How do I protect my assets, as my wife will need long-term care (nursing home)?” The article went into great detail on how to “spend down” assets to avoid having to pay the nursing home and get on Medicaid (noting the laws vary by state), even suggesting the husband take a pricy vacation. The people commenting on the article described how they are going to avoid paying for their own care.

How is this different? You don’t want to pay for nursing home care? You want taxpayers to pay? The Lima News has even run articles by a columnist on how to structure your assets to qualify for Medicaid. It seems to most people this is acceptable, but student loan forgiveness is taboo.

When you don’t pay for nursing home care, you “get rid” of your assets, you are making taxpayers pay for your care. It makes my taxes go up to pay for your nursing home care.

Again, the government is at fault for how expensive healthcare is, just like it’s the government’s fault with how expensive college is.

We, the voting taxpayers, are at fault with the state of our government. We keep voting the same people over and over, sending the same failed representatives back to Washington. Here in Ohio we say, “How can California keep sending Nancy Pelosi back to Washington?” Californians ask, “How can Ohio keep sending Jim Jordan?”

But we are too scared to vote for someone new, someone who is not Republican or Democrat (whichever you affiliate). We can have different representation, vote the opposite for one election, then next time vote your R or D. This would wake Washington up.

If you know me, you know I say “we have the government we deserve.”

Kerrie Miller



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