Letter: We don’t need a tyrant running J.D. Vance

Lima News columnist Mark Figley is a man just like me. I’ve never appreciated it when a man lied to my face.

Figley, if J.D. Vance told you to your face, “Hey! I’m not afraid of Donald Trump and not intimidated by him one bit,” you wouldn’t appreciate that because Vance would be lying to your face!

So J.D. Vance or Tim Ryan? Which one, if elected the senator from Ohio, has on his first idea on his daily agenda either to serve the interests of the people of Ohio or kiss Trump’s backside? Come on, Figley, answer that question, please.

Ryan will work for Ohioans first, not grovel at the feet of some tyrant that dominates him. I watched that rally. Trump says that Vance is kissing his butt every day! I can tell that Vance was uncomfortable, but hey, you sell your soul for power, this is what happens.

Vance won’t just be Ohio’s senator; he will be Donald Trump’s lapdog.

Jeffrey Perine



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