Letter: DeWine deserves to be re-elected

Looking around at swing state gubernatorial elections, many GOP candidates are facing stiff competition from their Democratic opponents. Races such as Nevada, Wisconsin and Arizona are in a dead heat, with recent polls showing the candidates within only a few percentage points of each other.

Out of these contests, one particular swing state stands out: Ohio — not for how close the race is, but rather for how much of a race it truly isn’t.

Gov. Mike DeWine is easily sailing through his re-election bid, having double-digit leads in every poll for the past four months, with one recent poll giving the governor a 24-percentage point lead. Fortunately for the governor, his opponent, Nan Whaley, is yet another Democratic candidate who lacks the name recognition and needed inspiration to motivate her wider base.

The same pollsters have other Ohio elections, such as the senate race, within much closer margins. One reason for the vast difference is the governor’s proven leadership the last four years. Not since James Rhodes has a Republican governor seen a more troubled economy with as high inflation.

Gov. DeWine has taken aggressive action to keep Ohio on the forefront of economic recovery. Most recently under his guidance, the state will be home to Intel’s fabrication factory, soon making Ohio one of the largest semiconductor manufacturers in the world.

Elections speak for themselves; their results are clear referendums on an official’s performance and service. If these polls are any indicator as to outcome, DeWine is proving himself to be the most competent and effective leader, chosen once again by the people to lead our state.

Logan Rex



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