Letter: A Christian view of abortion

Jesus said, “Not all who say Lord, Lord, will enter Heaven, but only those who do the will of the Father.” The Bible tells us the will of the Father, which Paul very succinctly summarized when he said, “So faith, hope and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Pro-abortion people say a baby is not human until it is born. What is so magic about the birth canal or caesarian section that they can change an unborn blob of flesh into a human being? Science proves through DNA that the unborn are human.

Elizabeth told Mary that her unborn infant, John the Baptist, leaped in her womb at the presence of Mary and the unborn Jesus. Jesus, John, you and I did not just become who we were by the birth canal; we were human from conception.

What sort of logic says a 1½-pound preemie is human, but a larger unborn is not human? What sort of logic says that a just-born baby is a human being but not so before it traversed the magic birth canal?

Clearly, a human comes into existence when it is conceived, not after it is born. Killing an innocent unborn infant is killing an innocent human being, and the finality of such makes it the greatest act of hate a human being can perform on another. Thus, supporting, promoting, facilitating or indifference to abortion is participating in the greatest act of hate.

We Christians need to examine if we choose to do the will of the Father (do love) or if we choose to do the will of Satan (do hate).

James Powell



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