Letter: Vance won’t represent our area’s core values

As an Ohioan, J.D. Vance alarms me in a way that I find hard to describe. Vance parades around his rural, working-class upbringing while dismissing his Ivy League education. Vance says he knows the plight of Ohio’s workers and yet, like a wolf in sheep’s skin, pretends to wish the best for Ohioans while his backers and platforms want nothing more than to ship all our jobs to cheap markets. He also stands behind policies aimed at harming the rights of middle-class workers all the while touting his credentials as a common Ohioan.

If we let Vance win, if we let him have his way with Ohio, we will be digging the grave of Ohio’s future. To me, Vance is a fraud, a liar and an oppressor. If he truly stands for the working class, why is his greatest supporter a Silicon Valley billionaire? If he truly believes in liberty, why does he insist on stripping away the rights of women and minorities? If he is truly an Ohioan, why are most of his endorsements from outside of Ohio?

The truth is, Vance believes in one thing and one thing alone. Not Ohio, not America, not the people: money. Vance would love to let his billionaire buddies rob Ohioans of everything we have and feel no remorse for the ashes he leaves behind. He has spent his entire adulthood outside of Ohio yet wants to come back and represent us as if he is one of us. He is not. The folks from this area believe in Ohio, we believe in the future and for that reason we do not believe in Vance.

Eric Sweeney



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