Letter: House Bill 315 a better solution than Issue 1

In typical Ohio fashion, our elected lawmakers are sidestepping meaningful policy solutions in favor of unnecessary political efforts and throwaway catchphrases creating fear. Yes, I’m referring to Issue 1 and, no, it will not make communities safer.

Issue 1, a constitutional amendment on the ballot, is not the answer to our state’s need for bail reform. It’s the equivalent of a Band-Aid on a broken leg, an attempt at a short-term solution while blatantly ignoring best practice methods needed to heal and improve.

Right now in the statehouse, there is a best practice bill with meaningful policy solutions: House Bill 315, a bipartisan response to Ohio’s broken justice system. This bipartisan bill will not only help our courts practice equity/fairness across socio-economic levels, it will reduce Ohio’s jail populations by hundreds of non-violent pretrial inmates unable to meet the bail. HB 315 will also save our state money and resources, relative to housing and services provided non-violent inmates awaiting pretrial in jail, due to the lack of bail resources. A person with the same charge but who has the resources for bail can buy pretrial freedom. Think about it.

Ohio needs HB 315, not Issue 1. I’m voting no on Issue 1 on Nov. 8. Please join me and vote no, making it clear to our legislators that we want them to focus on passing beneficial, common sense, substantive, bipartisan reform measures during the lame duck session.

Elizabeth A. Hostetler



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