Letter: Read the two state issues very carefully

Just a quick thank you to Frank LaRose and VoteOhio.gov for providing the text of the statewide issues included in The Lima News (required by the Ohio Constitution before the midterm elections).

I had not heard much about the two issues to amend the Ohio Constitution and recently have seen only one TV ad, which tells us to vote for Issue 1. I would like to urge everyone to read this publication and consider both sides of the proposals.

These have been submitted by representatives and senators outside of our area and do not explain the background of these amendments or why these particular people feel that they are necessary at this time. There are two sides to each issue, and voters will be asked to vote on each, possibly without even reading or trying to understand their implications.

I would like to urge everyone who will be voting to read carefully, vote wisely and remember that inflation comes and goes, presidents come and go, even Ohio governors are not forever, but an amendment to the Ohio Constitution will be there indefinitely. Voting is a privilege. Being an informed voter is a necessity.

And to quote the Environmental Defense Fund, ACTION: “Vote like everything is at stake… because it is. Health. Safety. Security. Jobs. The economy. The climate. Our future.”

Cheryl Fortman

Columbus Grove


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