Letter: Local Democrats must do a better job

The Democratic Party in Lima is pathetic, I’ve been back in Lima for 25 years. At no time has the Democratic Party contacted me or attempted to “get out the vote.” The only thing I receive from them is a flyer announcing a dinner with a donation; they don’t even return phone calls when I’ve left messages.

I know a high percentage of citizens do not trust our government and, unfortunately, have every reason not to trust it. However, by not voting, they give up their power. It appears in today’s world, politicians are more concerned with reelection and money from lobbyists than looking out for their constituents and the country.

For example, extreme partisan gerrymanders not only bake in results but also result in maps that are deeply unrepresentative. John Adams famously wrote in 1788, “the House of Representatives — and by extension state legislatures — should be an ‘exact portrait’ and ‘miniature’ of the people as a whole.” That doesn’t happen when district boundaries are manipulated in this way.

Carole Daley



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