Letter: No wonder people move out of Lima

A port-a-potty, really?

What will people think of next to irritate a neighbor and make their neighborhood look “crappy?” This woman actually sends her guests to a port-a-potty? Some friend! But the city can’t do anything about it. Just wait until the summer heat hits it. ( I bet city officials would love to have that next to their homes).

We have two houses in our neighborhood that were well taken care of, but in the last three years they have become eyesores, but the city can’t do anything about them. ( I bet city officials would love to have them by their homes)

We work at maintaining our boulevard to the extent people love to walk their dogs there. Cute signs were purchased and placed, asking people to please pick up after their pets. The city did do something about that. They took the signs down in 1½ days.

So much for clean shoes, dead plants and dug up grass.

Even in the Market Street Historic District a beautiful home is being neglected and falling into disrepair. Can’t do anything about that.

This may seem petty to some, but I like this town and have lived and worked here for 40 years. Is it any wonder why people are leaving for the burbs

— Gary Reinert, Lima