Letter: GOP must rally around Trump

Donald Trump was not my first choice, or even my second choice, but for the sake of the United States, the people will have to come to support Donald Trump or we will have four years of Hillary Clinton and a continuation of Obama’s regime.

How can Donald Trump be any worse than those two?

Obama has spent nearly the last eight years doing whatever he wanted to do and has nearly doubled our national debt while destroying the middle class and forcing many others into government dependency. During this time the Democrats have stood by silently and the Republicans have registered hardly a whimper, but hear them now, complaining about Donald Trump.

This current election season has been a result of this schism in both parties. It can be shown that ol’ Bernie’s rise is because many Democrats do not want the Hilli-liar and would even vote for a socialist to go around this entitled witch. Then there is Donald Trump who says what most, many Republicans and Americans have thought through the eight long years of Obama as we have watched him bow before the despots of the world and apologize for and demean the greatness of the United States of America.

This is not a time to be afraid for America, but to look to a reborn America and to make it great once again. I do not know anyone who in 2008 thought that the era of Obama was hopeful. Nothing is better now than it was in 2008, not a single thing. We need to erase all of Obama’s actions during the past eight years.

— Phillip C Sellati, Lima